Dear Fellow Servant of the Lord,

We at Bible Baptist Church have a sincere desire to get the gospel around the world. We want to use our missions money in a wise way; one which we believe would glorify God and parallel with our Church constitution and doctrinal positions. We realize that there are many worthy mission works to support with the offerings given by our members. Church planting missions is our primary focus as commanded by Christ in Matthew 28:18-20.

We want to support men whose doctrinal positions are in line with ours. Our goal is to see churches started of like faith and practice. To help us insure this, we have an application we ask each missionary who desires support from us to fill out. This is to help us clarify what you believe and who you are.

If we do support you, we ask that we receive a receipt of funds and, at minimum, a bi-monthly letter giving us a report of the work and any prayer requests you wish us to know. We also would like a picture of your family for use in a display of our missionary families. No one will be considered for support until a complete application is received. This application is arranged in multiple-choice format, so it should only take around 20 minutes to complete.

If you are interested in being a part of our church’s missions program, please fill out the following application in its entirety and hit “send” at the bottom.

We try to have one missionary a month come and present their work to our church family. Please be assured that as soon as I have read the form and see that you agree with the standards our church has set forth, and if I would like to invite you, I will contact you. The work of missions is very important to Bible Baptist Church.

NOTE:  If you are taken on for monthly support, you will be asked to complete this questionnaire once every three years, and/or notify us if you change any position or field of service.

In Christ’s name,

Pastor Jeff Hastings
Bible Baptist Church
Columbia, MO

Please respond to all the questions as accurately as possible.